Friday 21 September 2012

Few Tips On Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

All of us would be eager to know the tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding, in fact we would always look forward to know any such tips.  It is essential to have gap between the children. Kids with only one year of difference in age mingle and get well together but it is difficult to take care of the kids. It is always better to have some distance and space between the kids. It gives the kids the necessary attention during the developmental stages.

Get to know the tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding

Some people prefer kids with less or no gap mainly to complete their family commitments as soon as possible. In such scenarios tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding would be of great help. But as parents it is very essential to give the kids the required attention and healthy environment to grow.  It is the mother who should be aware of both the pros and cons of having kids with short age gap. The mother needs to know the tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding. The challenges that she faces while lactating when she is pregnant should be known to her. However, it is easy and safe to become pregnant when the first child is six months old. In some cases, ovulation takes some time to become normal and therefore getting pregnant immediately after the baby’s birth is not possible but there are some occasions when this type of situations have occurred.

Nature of body plays its role

The woman’s nature of body plays an important role in determining the pregnancy while breastfeeding the first child. Some of the woman resume the periods in three months after the birth of the first child while others take a year. The difficulties and tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding are few aspects which should be known to women. Some hormones like prolactin are produced while breastfeeding. When this hormone is being produced in the body ovulation is generally suppressed, therefore the chances of becoming pregnant is reduced to two to three percent. After six months of the delivery, ovulation regains its normal frequency and the chances of becoming pregnant increases to six percent.
Couple of tips to getting pregnant while breastfeeding
Some of the methods and tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding, would be to introduce solid food to the infant after she attains six months of age. However it is necessary to be aware that this requires the infant to digest the solid food. Since the infant gets the basic nutrients from the breast milk, limiting it should be avoided. If the infant is able to get acquainted to solid food, then the reduction of breastfeed will lead to decrease in the problems in the next pregnancy. You can also try to stretch the duration between the feed which would help you to overcome problems.
It is important to know that woman who are breastfeeding do not generally have regular ovulation and therefore it is unpredictable. The only way you can get pregnant will be to refer and get the help of calendars and charts once your menstruation becomes regular.  Getting to know your ovulation cycle is one of the tips on getting pregnant while breastfeeding that will help you to plan pregnancy. Planning pregnancy requires the complete support and desire to have another baby from your partner’s side as well.

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